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Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Dec 6, 2023
I Know Where I Live
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, We may often wonder- what do animals know? We tend to opt for humans knowing the most about life. And yet,...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Oct 25, 2023
Peace At Last
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, One morning last week, as I passed by this charming photo of my beloved Shanti on the bureau, I felt...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Oct 4, 2023
Wisdom On The Equinox
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, This Equinox message is entitled "The Inner Compass and Pure Heart Lead the Way- Crossing a Threshold". It...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Aug 23, 2023
Cool Loneliness
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, A friend shared this writing in a recent group gathering. Surrendering into what Pema Chodron is saying...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Aug 16, 2023
Simon Says
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, This story is from Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah. They are well known not only for the...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
May 10, 2023
Soothing Cat Souls
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, What is it that soothes and nourishes the hearts and souls of so many human beings? Music. And animal moms...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Mar 1, 2023
You Are My Person
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, The spirit of my beloved equine family member Peter who was released from this earth in 2010 has been...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Feb 15, 2023
Interspecies Soulmates
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, I stumbled upon this very sweet story while browsing one day. It certainly shows us that there is deeper...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jan 18, 2023
Partners In Work
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, If you work from home, as so many of us do these days, you may have discovered that your animal family...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Nov 9, 2022
Why Does Augie?
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, I read this small offering in The Dodo newsletter. From Augustus' person. Augustus, Enlish Labrador...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Oct 12, 2022
Soul Agreements
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, One thing that most of us who share our lives with animal family members are aware of is that besides...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Sep 14, 2022
Predator & Prey
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, I received an email from a client who lives in Scotland. She and her husband and beloved canine family...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Aug 3, 2022
Jaya: The Great Becoming
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Jaya, my dearest beloved of beloveds, has transitioned from his earth life. An extraordinary being of soft...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Jun 15, 2022
Connection To Soul
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, It seems that each day, the challenges we face in our world, and sometimes within ourselves, are becoming...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
May 25, 2022
Is It Possible To Love More?
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Just the other day, my sweet beloved Jaya was snuggling deeply in my lap, cat napping in the most purrful...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
May 11, 2022
Mothering All Creatures
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Just a few days ago, we celebrated Mother's Day. A day that invites us to honor those who have been mothers...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Mar 23, 2022
Prayer For Non-Violence
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, At this very delicate time in our human journey, a prayer from Sister Mary Lou Kownacki, Director of...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Mar 16, 2022
We Live In Each Other
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, One of the most precious gifts I receive in being with animals in deeper communication and healing is the...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Dec 22, 2021
More 2021 Healing Highlights!
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, Here it is! The second of three newsletters focused on Healing Highlights of Spirit to Spirit animals. I...

Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing
Nov 10, 2021
From Cat's Mouth
Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, At Spirit to Spirit, the intention is to meet and know animals as all of who they are, especially the...
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