A Healing Gift: Samantha & Max
In 1985, my beloved young feline family members, Samantha and Max, were diagnosed with Feline Leukemia. According to Western medicine, where little was known about this disease, this was an immediate death sentence. Refusing to accept this prognosis, I began an extensive exploration into alternative treatment choices.
For several years, I had been in study and training in the healing arts and sciences, a student of spiritual healing. After Samantha and Max's diagnosis, I became curious about how what I was opening to as a healer for people might translate into working with animals. I began healing sessions with Samantha and Max, looking to them to teach me how to meet them as the spiritual beings they are and open into deeper healing. They guided me with clarity, kindness and compassion down a new -- yet familiar -- path. Their illness and healing changed my life forever: giving me an even greater awareness of the true nature of animals and how to assist them in the healing process.
As Samantha, Max and I continued our healing journey together over the years, our telepathic connection deepened dramatically as did our spiritual connection and our healing sessions took on new depth and dimension. Health and deep inner peace became the constant state of their lives. Max and Samantha became the living proof of healing, living in vibrant health for many years... a miracle for cats with Feline Leukemia.
Samantha and Max opened the gateway to animal healing for me. It was there that I came to discover a gift I had been blessed with- the gift of being able to assist animals through spiritual healing.
This journey made clear to me what I would devote myself to in this lifetime: spiritual healing and deeper communication. Healing: the way in which Spirit, the Divine, God, expresses Itself in me and through me for the benefit of animals beings, all human beings on our shared planet.
I am forever grateful to Samantha and Max for drawing me onto the path of healing. For inviting me to step into the unknown and discover the exquisite depth and beauty that is each animal being and how each one has the potential to heal in extraordinary ways.
Samantha & Max
Samantha and Max were sensitive, intelligent, wise, compassionate beings. I adored them.
Sam was a gorgeous black cat with a shiny satin coat and crystal green eyes. A wise and masterful healer in her own right, she touched your soul by simply gazing into your eyes. Sam was "first healer" of the house. When my (human) healing client would arrive, she would give them a "cat scan", gaining understanding of how/where the person needed healing. As soon as the person was settled on the healing table, Sam would jump up (with the person's permission, of course) and lay down on the exact spot where healing was needed. Sam would go into a deep meditative state, purring wildly. When she felt that the healing was complete, usually in about 10 minutes, without any fanfare, she would get up and leave the room. Every person Sam touched felt remarkably better after she blessed them with her healing presence.
Max was a big, handsome, gray Maine Coon mix with a long, silky coat and a very big voice. The "greeter", Max would vocalize his welcome as each client arrived, meeting them at the door. He would escort the client into the healing room, making sure they got settled. Then he would leave the room. If the client spoke loudly or was emotional, Max would come charging in to make certain that everything was okay. When the session was over, he would escort the person to the door, wishing them well as they departed.
Samantha and Max were wonderful healing partners for me and they were my soul family. They understood the purpose in our being together, personally and professionally. Our love and devotion to each other were beyond words could ever express. Our bond was the deepest I'd ever known: heart to heart, soul to soul, Spirit to Spirit.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
- Anatole France