Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,
Taj, my beloved of beloveds, has departed this earth.
An enormous Spirit of brilliance, intelligence, and uniqueness. A wise old Soul who expressed a profound depth of love and care and gave generously of that in every moment of her life. One who transformed herself over and over to illuminate the magnificent Presence that she was here in life… and always is.
Taj began her life very differently... living in the local shelter sunroom with 25 other cats for the first two plus years of her life. She was a bright being with a curly Basenji-like tail. The shelter staff had named her Phineas and thought she was a boy.
When I was told by my precious Shiva after her passing that it was time to open my home to new family members, I began visiting the shelter. Before I went, I sent a message to the
felines there that my home was open to whoever (up to 3 cats) wanted/needed it- just show me who you are.
Taj was one of 5 greeter cats who came up to everyone who entered the sunroom. I noticed her energy and her adorable tail and yet that was the only contact she made. Each day I would walk through all the cat areas looking to see who would come forward and choose this home. Many cats made contact. No one communicated directly that I was their person and this was their home.
On the 4th visit, a cat I had never seen before- Jaya (formerly Jingle) - appeared in the sunroom lying on a cat bed, staring at me with stunning green eyes. He wouldn’t let go of eye contact. His message was undeniable- he wanted this home. I was told that he was extremely shy. So the next time I went to the shelter, I sent out this invitation: anyone who wants to come with Jaya and help him feel more comfortable, please present yourself.
The next day, I went back to the sunroom and there was Jaya lying on a cat bed. Taj immediately jumped up, lay down behind him, spooned him, and wrapped her paws around him. It was imminently clear. Taj had decided that she wanted to be with Jaya and that this was her home. It was a great big joyous yes for all of us.
Sweet young Bodhi who was in another location grabbed me with his paws as I passed his enclosure- and he made three. It was a heart-wrenching loss when he passed within the first year of being with us. He was an amazing old Soul, the glue of the feline family even at his young age. We always sense his glorious Presence.
Surprisingly Jaya settled into his home right away. He immediately walked around and owned it. More surprising was that confident and outgoing Taj found the change very unsettling. She hid in the closet… for 30 days. Literally. During the day, I would sit outside the closet at different times- never look at her- and talk about life. At night, she would come out and eat. On day 31, she popped out of the closet as if nothing had happened and took over the home. Apparently, she needed to process this momentous shift in her life.
Jaya and Taj needed names to reflect who they truly are and their new lives (and Bodhi too- he had been Emile). Jaya, which means “victory”, felt very fitting for the former Jingle. Taj means “the jewel.” And that is exactly who she is. A rare and precious radiant jewel. One who looks directly into your eyes and penetrates the deepest part of your Soul. It’s almost shocking to feel the depth at which she meets you.
Her beginnings were adorable. I called her “my little pit bull” as she had that wide-legged pittie-like walk that some bully breeds have and a bit of bravado in her stride. She was feisty, not afraid to express her opinions, and was sometimes a little too forward with her brother. She had underlying immune system issues which needed some attention and that was an enormous challenge. She was wildly terrified of being handled and of vets/techs and she developed a reputation: “will eat vet techs.” And she would.
And, over the next couple of years, as she healed, she began to evolve into who she truly is. She was present for every spiritual program I engaged in online. Meditated lying on the desk for most meditation programs. Lay in my lap for so many Healing Circles and individual healings all these years. And was an active participant in energetically supporting animal clients during healings.
She was always with me- or with Jaya. If I was sitting, she was on my lap, deeply purring, giving all of herself with great abandon. She couldn’t get close enough to Jaya. If Jaya was in the donut bed, she’d climb on top of him- much to his dismay. After a little scowl and maybe a bite on her ear, Jaya would acquiesce and they would snuggle deeply together. She adored her brother and he her.
What has been so brilliant to witness in Taj’s life are the very clear choices she made. She embraced the deeper possibilities of her True Nature and transformed into the most glorious being one could ever imagine. Fully possessed of her Essence… soft, sweet, kind, caring, and extremely loving. Harboring a deep wisdom, understanding, and a kind of knowing of who she truly is and what life is. She even became an easy and gentle willing participant in her own medical care when needed.
When Taj was diagnosed with a very severe and advanced heart condition, she taught all of the members of the “Taj team” – Renee, Cecelia, Jeanne, Marion and Kristin - who helped with her care how her medical protocol needed to be done. It was an intensive medication program and with extraordinary patience and kindness, Taj guided us until we had it right and down to a quick few minutes for treatment. We are so deeply grateful to each of our wonderful friends on the Taj team for their generosity, loving kindness, and devotion to
Taj’s well being
The phrase “Taj of the Perfect Heart” became her mantra as we embraced the perfection of her physical body heart and energy heart in every moment. Taj received almost daily healings through me and was on a homeopathy program. Greatest thanks to our homeopathic vet Dr. Loops for his wise treatment and support. And to our traditional vets- Dr. John and Dr. Ozer. Each contributed their expertise in supporting Taj in living her life as fully as possible.
Taj and I agreed that we would live life in joy and loving pleasure together without thought of her condition unless she showed that she needed attention. She lived a gloriously full life, big and bold and beautiful, healthy and strong, a radiant Spirit. Until her last moment.
Taj was the center of our universe. A rare jewel of a being like no other. How blessed we are that she shared her time on earth with us. She is always part of us… and we her. We hold her beautiful perfect Self in deepest, greatest Love.
Bowing deeply to Taj. The one and only Taj. The Light of our hearts and Souls.
In Gratitude & Love, Joanna