Sweetie Pie, The Beginning
by Hansina Wright, Noank, CT
(Sina's second story: Spunky, the Former Throw Away Cat)
Were it not for Sweetie Pie, our journeys with Joanna might never have begun.
I first contacted Joanna in 2000, when our “green-eyed Pie” and her two litter mates were less than six months old and our three senior cats were between two and three years old. With no apparent physical cause, our shy, cautious but loving little Pie had begun to pee everywhere except in her litter box. Traditional methodologies and recommendations did not help her. But, sessions with Joanna brought greater understanding of Pie’s sensitive nature and increasing calm in her life and ours. From time to time, Pie relapsed, but Joanna’s sessions with her always helped.
Joanna has helped our household with a multitude of feline issues ranging from cats gone AWOL (and thankfully returning home) to illnesses such as eye surgery, feline diabetes and kidney problems. Joanna’s guidance with meditations have become a resource of ever expanding awareness in our lives, not only for our felines but for we humans and our struggles with illness and family loss, feline and human.
When senior cat Ted passed on in 2009, Pie and her sisters were particularly affected by his death. Joanna helped us all with transitions of grief and the remaining cats’ realignments within the household. Later that year, we brought home a wonky little kitten orphaned after the death of her 91 year old Uncle Walt, a dear friend of ours. Again, Joanna was there for us all.
Then, in late summer 2010, Sweetie Pie suddenly became seriously and unexplainably ill. Exploratory surgery yielded the worst of news and the hardest of decisions. Again, Joanna was by our side during Pie’s last corporeal days and during the grieving, acceptance and adjustments for our household.
We thank Joanna not only for her wisdom and knowledge but for the ways in which all of our lives have been enriched with greater understanding and acceptance of all that we are and whatever comes our way, whatever our species be. Hooray for Joanna, the Circles and all the Circle participants!