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  • Writer's pictureJoanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing

You Will Know

Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,

Looking back at the 2018 holiday season, it seems that around the holidays there is always a rush of those choosing to make their transition from life. Both human and animal. Perhaps there is something about "the end", the completion of a year, that we all believe in- consciously or unconsciously. And so on some deeper level, it makes "sense" for many to make this enormous shift at that time.

The most common question that my clients ask at this time is: "How will I know?" How will I know if this is the exact right moment for my animal beloved's transition, especially if assistance is needed. Not waiting too long, not wanting to assist too soon. Wanting to honor the animal's life and path, avoid suffering, and be as sure as possible that this is exquisite timing for our animal to leave life in the body- a very challenging and yet sacred moment.

"How will I know with absolute certainty?"

In all my years of being with animals and their human beloveds at this time in life, one thing has made itself clear: you will know. You will know because you are deeply connected to your animal family member. You will sense, in your animal and inside yourself, what is right for your animal- and when. You will know- not only in your mind but from your heart and from the strength of the soul connection you and your animal beloved share.

And, you will know because you are not in this alone. Your animal family member is with you, guiding you. S/he will show you with his/her body, from the quality of his/her presence, through his/her mental/emotional capacities. And, from the depth of his/her soul, Spirit, gently guiding you and this process every step of the way.

This is the nature of our relationship with our animal family members. This you can trust. If we just soften and let go and let them guide us, they will show us, help us understand what is right for them. will know.

In Gratitude & Love, Joanna

May all human beings and animal beings on our planet receive the Grace of Healing in their lives

Joanna B. Seere

Spirit to Spirit

P.O. Box 93

Warwick, N.Y. 10990

Tel: 845-651-1383

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