Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,
“In today’s world, a kind of “dark energy” works to drive everything and everyone further apart.
Even social media, which promised to bring the world together, has turned out to be a force multiplier in fueling conflict and animosity).
But another more subtle kind of energy is also at work. And when you see it in action in many stories (of hope) from around the world, you can already begin to imagine a time when dark energy will finally have spent itself. A new way of living, fueled by a quiet passion to protect and nurture life, starts to take hold.
When that happens, we will be led by the understanding that we humans are part of nature as are our fellow animals, that we cannot survive separate from them, and that it is time to make peace and reconcile with them.
As we do that, we may also find ourselves bringing about peace and reconciliation with each other, and ultimately, within ourselves.”
From "A Light In The Darkness" by Michael Mountain, co-founder of the Whale Sanctuary Project which is working to bring an end to keeping whales and dolphins in captivity. And
co-founder of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah.
In Gratitude & Love, Joanna