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Writer's pictureJoanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing

More 2020 Highlights!

Dear Spirit to Spirit friend, In the Spirit of healing, here are more wonderful sharings about beautiful animal beings who receive healing and how they demonstrate its impact in their lives. Their human Moms tell their stories... hope you're smiling while reading them!

Diana updates...

"Amazing what a difference a year makes. When Lucky was first diagnosed with congestive heart failure in August 2019, the vet told me that most cats only live 6-8 months after the initial diagnosis. Well, Lucky is the poster child for perseverance and going against the odds.

It's now been 16 months since the initial diagnosis and Lucky has continued to get better and better every month. He has increasingly shown signs of more energy, wanting to run and play, as if he were a kitten at times! Everyone has been commenting how great Lucky has been- even more so! I feel like I keep saying "he's gotten better and better!" And I keep thinking "how much better can he even get?!" But, he truly does get better and surpasses what I thought would be "the best."

Lucky has been EVEN more playful in the past 2 weeks. He comes over to me, rubs against my legs or meows at me, and then bolts! Like saying "come catch me Mom! Come play!" He's been more affectionate and slept on top of me one night, which he never does. And, more and more, Lucky does play with his 1 1/2 year old "kitten" younger brother, Jon Snow, who has more energy that we know what to do with at times!

At first, Jon was too much for Lucky to handle with his heart condition. Lucky would often remove himself from the room if Jon was playing too rough. Through Joanna's healing sessions with both boys, Lucky's heart continues to show signs of improvement and Lucky has matured in his ability to monitor his own play and interaction- knowing when to engage and when to calm himself. Lucky engages Jon more and more and Jon has been learning to respect Lucky's boundaries, backing off to let Lucky have space when his heart requires.

The bonding that happens between the two boys when Joanna is with them is undeniable. I can notice a shift in their interactions each time healing takes place. I cannot thank Joanna enough for healing Lucky's sweet little heart and bringing Jon and Lucky closer together."

Suzie reports...

"Mr. Goose first came to see Joanna and joined the Circle after he had had a stroke. He fell and was almost paralyzed. He could not walk or stand on his own. I had to feed him by hand every two hours and wrapped him like a papoose and held him in my arms when I was working during the day. One of my cats had seen Joanna in the past so I felt that she might be able to help the little guy after his serious injury.

Before Mr. Goose was having healings in Circle, he

was cranky all the time and in a very bad mood. Emotionally now he has become quite loving and gentle and morphed into the beautiful soul he was meant to be. I believe he was angry because he was weaned too early but I did not know what to do about it. As part of the healing work, the beauty and gentleness of his natural spirit has come shining through.

Also, due to the stroke he had, he could hardly stand at first. With gentle healing encouragement, his body has physically strengthened so much that he can move about quite normally now. It's such a beautiful thing to see!

I'm very grateful for the healing work he has received in Circle since his injury. He's like a completely different bird: so happy, curious, and very interested in everyone and everything around him! It's a very wonderful thing! So thank you Joanna for everything you have done to help our little guy to not just heal from his injury but to be able to thrive!"

Alicia emails... "Our sweet boy Jackson is not a fan of cold. His desert ancestral heritage makes him dream of sand and Cleopatra. However, a desk lamp seems to suffice

when there aren't any sunny spots to be found. Joanna has helped Jackson deal with his dislike of cold weather and has helped him learn to ask for help from his resident humans. Heat lamps warm his body, Joanna warms his soul!"

Kristine shares...

"Sandy Sobe, a little kitty with a huge capacity to engage and shine her light!

After healing from Vaccinosis (which Joanna helped with), Sandy has been part of the Healing Circles that Joanna holds.

I have seen such improvement in Sandy over the years. There is always such a beautiful light shining through. She is so deep and gets more centered and balanced after each Healing Circle.

I have seen her ability to engage and play grow over the years. I see her deepening after each Circle. Even though this year was very challenging, I feel blessed to have had Sandy by my side. She has made this challenging time much more bearable. She is always there to play,

to engage, and to love. I love being her Mommy!

Joanna, thank you for your continual healing with my girl. It has made all the difference! You have helped me appreciate Sandy Sobe for who she is and not try to change her. The more I have done that, the more her natural beauty and energy are revealed. Thank you for that beautiful lesson."

In Gratitude & Love, Joanna


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