Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,
For those of us who live in apart of the world where there are more extremes in temperature, winter is often known to many of us as the big hunkering down/going inward event.
As Jaya is demonstrating beautifully in this photo, this season inspires us to find a great piece of rug in the sunshine, close eyes, bake in its warmth, and go inward.
Trees do it, animals do it, all nature does it. Inward, down to the roots, resting in the depth, opening to witness what wants to be revealed.
Hunkering down/going inward is a gift we can give to ourselves right now no matter what climate we live in. Allowing ourselves to be drawn into the root of our being, into inner contemplation and reflection. Opening space for new insight and awareness.
The very attentive ones by our side, our animal family members, will guide us gently into
this inner space simply by their presence. And they will show us the impact of our deeper journey- how our hunkering down/going inward affects our energy as well as how it impacts their lives. These sensitive beings always do reflect back to us who we are and how we are, don't they.
The invitation is here, in the midst of the frozen tundra and shorter days/longer nights of winter for those in this hemisphere. And for everyone everywhere- let this time be an opportunity for inner exploration, contemplation and healing.
Even though we can already feel the sparks of more light and perhaps the seeds of new life beginning to germinate, let us join with our animal family members- and all nature- in the journey inward. We may all be surprised at what we discover.
In Gratitude & Love, Joanna