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Writer's pictureJoanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing

Healing Highlights of 2019

Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,

As December grounds herself into our lives, and we embrace the holiday season and all that means, it is a beautiful time to reflect on the year and the amazing healings that have occurred this year.

I was in session with Mipsy last week and she- knowing that her mom and I have been discussing highlighting her in a newsletter- suggested that we present brief highlights of some of the Spirit to Spirit animals who have experienced amazing healing this year. Great idea Mipsy!

Here are some of the fabulous animals whose family members report extraordinary healings in 2019.

Mipsy: healing focus: over abundant instinctual responses in her human relationships.

Priya sent this: "A deepening of our connection with Mips is very palpable. She is clear when she wants affection and she is wanting more physical contact. There have been a few times when she's laid down with us (not at bedtime), kneading my belly and curling up next to me. It's very sweet. She trusts more, our connection feels more dear."

Lucky: healing focus: heart failure

Diana says: "Lucky is so different! He has been playing more and more! He ran through the tunnel for the first time in 5 years! He also has been doing things he used to do with me all the time- like whining to get my attention, then running quickly and looking back telling me he wants to play "chase." So I've been engaging and chasing him!"

Chuckie: healing focus: suspected spinal tumor

Some weekly updates from Catherine:

"Great week for Chuckie. Out and about, scouting the yard."

"Chuckie's walking was so sleek and elegant after being with you. There's nothing like a session with you for that!"

"He's been spending a lot of time in the backyard, walking around, and just sitting there, so tall and regal, surveying his kingdom. He did stalk and chase a squirrel!"

"Ah! Had just sat down at the computer to message you and here is your report! Was going to say, wow, must have been a really deep session because he's still way gone..sleeping through LUNCH, which NEVER happens. Thank you so much!"

"Another lovely week for Chuckie. Strong, sure walking. Sometimes needing to pause to regroup. Other times practically trotting long distances. Acclimating to the cold- he loves his outdoors too much to be deterred!"

Beau: healing focus: fear/insecurity, vision loss

Janet shares this: "Thank you for all your wonderful reports about Beau! You have been accurate with all your observations of his awesome growth. I am in awe some days when I look back at where Beau was 1-2 years ago to where he is today and feel totally blessed, forever grateful to you, amazed at how wonderful Beau is and still continues to grow and come into his own. Beau has mellowed out, not afraid of storms/rain, just clear about what he likes or doesn't like and that includes people. When we go walking, if he comes upon a situation that makes him uncomfortable or scared, he now walks away quietly. On the day that he has his session with you, he is either tranquil or extra playful. Beau is an angel and I adore him. Thank you for bringing him to the place he is today."

Aren't these all simply beautiful healings?

What an honor and a privilege for me to be part of them and to witness miracles in the lives of some of the most lovely beings I know.

In Gratitude & Love, Joanna


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