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Writer's pictureJoanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing

As Summer Surrounds Us

Dear Spirit to Spirit friends,

Summer....ahhhhh. We wait so long for her arrival, it seems, eagerly anticipating her entrance into our lives.

This long, balmy, almost too hot days that stretch on almost endlessly. And, at the end of each steamy day, evening lazily melts through a golden purple pink sunset calling in a moon that almost forgets to show up. How we love this spectacular time of year!

And, as the song birds change from spring to summer songs, as the movements of the wild ones shift into their summery patterns- as our animal family members shed out into their summer looks and choose their summery house spots- we humans make a shift as well. Perhaps we begin to imitate our reptile friends as we stretch out and bake in summer's warmth. Perhaps we open in softer ways through brilliance of summer light that surrounds us and reminds us of the Light within us and within all living beings and all life.

Perhaps this is summer's invitation to us. An invitation to slowly and gently open and feel not only the splendor that is around us but that which is within us- and all life. Perhaps it is an invitation to look again at the animal family member sitting beside us, or the bird flying above, or the tree we are leaning against, and to feel with all our heart and ask..."who are you really?" And, from the depths of our soul, open to experience the warmth of the Light that emanates from each and every glorious being in this most amazing world.

Perhaps this is truly summer's invitation to us.

In Gratitude & Love, Joanna



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