And More Sharings
"Joanna Seere is an insightful teacher who has taught others how to communicate with their animals. In bridging the imaginary gap between people and family member animals, Joanna helps us respect and care for one another.
In clinical practice, I have found the pet owners who worked with Joanna to be knowledgeable about their pet's condition, open to new ideas and eager to help their pet recover from illness and disease. It has been my privilege to work with Joanna's clients and their pets who demonstrate so well that personal communication is fundamental to healing."
- William Konrad Kruesi, D.V.M

"Ten years ago, Joanna helped my cat Jack make a major difficult adjustment. Jack was a stray in Bermuda who I found while on vacation. He went from sharing a peaceful home environment and being the focus of everyone's attention to abruptly trying to cope with the introduction of two new puppies. Each time Joanna spoke with him, I could immediately see a difference in his behavior. Joanna's communication with the puppies, Keira and Bandit, also helped to ease Jack's anxiety. I credit Joanna with giving Jack the courage and strength to take his place as the leader of all the cats and dogs I’ve adopted over the years.
Joanna's sensitivity not only helped Jack make a transition but allowed me to deal with a stressful situation. The developing relationships between the three animals are a work in progress, but one that I'm sure Joanna will continue to help us manage.
Recently Joanna helped my other cat Luigi who is suffering with intestinal lymphoma as well as numerous other health issues. Luigi had lost his appetite and was lethargic. I had numerous tests run on him from his internist, cardiologist, and oncologist. All the results were inconclusive and Luigi’s health continued to decline.
Joanna did an individual healing session for him. He was also part of a Healing Circle a few days later. Almost immediately, I noticed an increase in his appetite and a return to his feisty demeanor. His eyes no longer lacked luster and he was just a happy cat! I credit Joanna’s intervention for getting Luigi back on track.
I am most fortunate to have had Joanna help me and my fur-babies get through some very difficult times."
- Erin Hinton, Yonkers, NY
"I approached Joanna for support for my dog, Baba. She helped us make the decision for surgery and supported me through my fears. She did communication and long-distance healing work prior to and after the surgery.
I am convinced that her work contributed greatly to his rapid, smooth and easy recovery. Her insights and understanding were remarkable, particularly as she had only seen his photograph. Even though I live in the Middle East, distance didn't seem to matter. She gave me regular updates, support and assurance during this difficult period.
Joanna is warm, caring, easy to talk to and thoroughly professional. Baba and I are very grateful that we had Joanna by our side."
- Sharadha Bain, Dubai, UAE

"My cat Cookie developed diabetes at a very early age. Joanna helped me relate to Cookie on a much deeper level. His health improved within four months of treatment, and he was taken off of insulin completely. Now, at age six, Cookie is healthy and vibrant. Joanna also assisted us in finding Pumpkin, the right kitten for Cookie. They are both happy, healthy and get along well. I am forever grateful for Joanna's help."
- Pai-Ling Teng, San Chung City, Taiwan
"Working with Joanna has been a blessing for me and for my animals. Her talent and insight have helped me through all kinds of situations from moving, to illness, to introducing new animals to my household.
Joanna has helped me not only with my dogs (Luka and Chloe) but also with my iguana, my bird and even my struggle with the plight of animals in general in this world. Since I have been working with her (about 12 years now), I have a better understanding of my pets and my relationship with all living creatures. I can't imagine not working with her and those who are hesitant to call her are missing out on so much."
- SR, Providence, RI