Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,
For the past several years I have taught a course
I developed for a Masters Program at Columbia University- entitled "The Animal-Human Bond" through The Spirituality Mind Body Institute of Teachers College. In past years, this program took place on location Catskill Animal Sanctuary in Saugerties, NY.
This year, of course, we were unable to be there.
So, as part of the virtual teaching, I invited Kaden Maguire, the Tour Manager at Catskill who usually takes us on a long, in depth tour, to create a short video to assist the students in connecting in deeper ways with farmed animals.
At the beginning of the video, Kaden spends time with Tucker (photo), a magnificent cow and long time resident of the sanctuary. We learn not only the story of how he came to sanctuary but also experience the palpable depth of Tucker's emotions. Just last week he
lost his beloved friend and pasture mate Amos and he is in grief.
Most of us have been witness to an animal family member experiencing the loss of another animal beloved- and most likely we have gone through this with them. Some of our animals roll more gently with loss and grief, seeming to take it in stride- as some humans do.
Others mourn intensely- openly or silently- for a long time. Just as others of us humans do.
But what about farmed animals? Cows and chickens and pigs and goats and sheep? What kinds of relationships and bonds do they have? What is the depth of their feelings and how do they experience loss and grief?
In this insightful video (34 minutes), you'll come to understand how farmed animals experience loss and sense through Tucker how farmed animals can grieve. And, you'll experience the explosive joy of sheep Nina and Stewy and Scout. The sweetness of pig
Regina and fascinating personality of her pasture mate Scott.
I hope that you find Kaden and these animals a joy to be with... opening your heart and soul to the farmed ones. And come to know that grief is universal, something we all share.
In Gratitude & Love, Joanna