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Facing Into Our Separateness

Writer's picture: Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual HealingJoanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing

Dear Spirit to Spirit friend,

An extremely tumultuous time for human beings. On every continent, in every corner of the world.

Here in the United States, not only are we facing into the harsh reality of the

Covid-19 pandemic, but also into the long deep shadow of our overt and subtle racism that has burst into the clear light of day... to be witnessed, once again... met... and ultimately healed. Racism toward black people in our country since our beginning.

As we're taking a sober look into our racism toward black people, we may also become aware of our racism toward/separation from many "others"- human beings with differences, animals, cultures, and countries. All the ways in which we see/feel the "other" as "separate/different/less than".

How can we meet our racism/separateness and begin the process of witnessing, taking responsibility, making amends, and healing ?

Spiritual teacher Thomas Hubl says:

"There is no alternative for us than to look at separation and disconnect on many levels. That's why maturing and growing up and integrating our unintegrated development is so needed. It is the only way to be a responsible global citizen."

Inquiry and contemplation

First, we must look to- self. The ways in which we separate from/deny ourselves- through

self criticism, self judgment, negative thinking/feeling, a lack of kindness and compassion.

Examining our thoughts, our belief systems, our cultural preferences/prejudices, our emotional reactions, our habits. Meeting our shadow aspects, our unintegrated parts.

If we sit in judgment of/separation from self, it can become habitual to see through that lens when we look at another.

Asking: "what is truth?" Most likely, it is something other than what our our habitual thoughts and patterns tell us, even though they are familiar and comfortable and feel

like our truth.

Self acceptance. Self forgiveness when needed. Letting go, feeling the freedom that can emerge and bring us into deeper self connection/acceptance.

Opening to something Greater. As we are still, meditate, contemplate. Being available to a broader perspective that can inform us. Inviting the energies of Gratitude, Appreciation, Kindness, Love- qualities that are always already within us- to arise and infuse us with softness and Grace.

As we begin the process of unwinding our own patterns, we can begin to look at/feel into the ways in which we may hold others separate and engage in the same inquiry. Then, the possibility for global healing becomes more available.

May we all sit, each in our own way, in reflection and contemplation. Not only for ourselves and for others, but for the future of our species, all living beings, and our world. Whatever can open and shift within us will impact all life today and in the future.

Let us continually be part of the awakening and evolving process of our brave new world.

In Gratitude & Love, Joanna


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