Joanna Beth Seere, Spiritual Healing

Jan 4, 2017

Opening In The New Year

Dear Spirit to Spirit friends,

In softly taking one step forward at the end of December- as we are today, each year we find ourselves entering into the next cycle of nature and of life- the new energy that we call "the new year."

In its opening, there is the promise of new possibility, of movement and change, and of what we call miracles presenting themselves.  

If we enter in receptivity and willingness to embrace the unknown that rests within each new possibility, we may find that unseen doorways open and we may awaken into new understanding, insight, and awareness.

We and our world can transform and emerge radically different and the higher ideals that we envision for ourselves and for those sharing our planet can begin to become realized.  

May this be our collective prayer and vision: may we walk together into this new year energy as One heart, One collective soul, One Beingness sharing life here on our earth.

May we deeply honor each other, all living beings, and our planet each and every day, in all our thoughts and in all our actions.

Sweet blessings for you and all those in your life in this New Year, this new becoming.

In Gratitude & Love, Joanna
